Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Discover what works for you...

"Enroll in this weight program and you'll lose 30 pounds in five days!" "Come to this free seminar and after spending one hundred dollars on books you'll be a millionaire!"
There is no quick fix, no panacea that will work for every person. Success rarely happens overnight or in five days. Even the Twelve Steps are only suggestions. Although proven to work, the details and decisions about how we apply those Steps in our lives are left to each one of us. And few things happen overnight, except the beginning of a new day. Listen to your mentors. Examine what's been tried and true, and has worked and helped countless others along their paths. The Twelve Steps are one of those approaches. But don't be taken in by false claims of overnight success and instant enlightenment along your path.
True change takes time and effort, especially when we're changing and tackling big issues. We can often get exactly the help we need at times from therapist, book, or seminar - the best things in life really are free and available to each one of us. The Twelve Steps, again, qualify in this area.
Discover what works for you.
Trust that you'll be guided along your path and receive exactly the help and guidance you need. Then give it time. There really isn't an easier, softer way. (Language of letting go)
I thought this was really appropriate for all the people who are trying to get better (fit). BTW, I really like my new gadget. No picture yet.
10783 steps, 6.47 miles, 644 cal, time: 1:28 08


  1. WOW you're really putting on the miles! Good for U! Glad you like your new gadget!

  2. Ha,ha.I love my gadget. It's almost like it is chalenging me to put more numbers on it. :) Last night I only did 3 1/2 miles and I was a little sad about it.
